Financial Approval - Issue Report

Report To: Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Finance Committee

From: Donna Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer    

Date: October 12, 2022

Re: Financial Approval - Issue Report


To request that the Board change the financial approval limitations for Managers, Chief/Directors, CAO and Board effective November 1, 2022.


The Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB has a Financial Approval Policy in the General Administration section that details the expectations of purchase order, signing cheques and contract limitations by position.

The annual budget contains specific expenditure proposals in each program area. It also contains estimated costs of service contracts, association memberships, support services and regular recurring costs. Once the budget has been approved by a resolution of the Board then the expenditures can occur in the budget year as approved. Any variance in these programs which will exceed the planned total expenditure in the specific plans must come back to the Board for approval. Any variance in costs which will exceed the planned total expenditure or involve the movement of any costs between line items must be approved by the CAO.

Monthly re-occurring expenditures to Service Providers and Payroll remittances in excess of $50,000 require two signatures from any of the persons with signing authority.

Current / Future state

The following chart sets out the current approval process limitations and the recommended future state.

Position Current State        Future State     
Paramedic Deputy Chief, Finance Manager, Integrated Human Services Managers, Supervisor of Infrastructure & Asset Management, Information Systems Coordinator and Maintenance Coordinator Up to $5,000 Up to $10,000
Chief of Paramedic Services, Director of Finance & Administration, Director of Integrated Human Services and Manager of Information Systems Up to $15,000 Up to $25,000
CAO Up to $50,000 Up to $75,000
Chair or Vice-Chair of the Board Over $50,000 Over $75,000

Staff are also recommending that monthly re-occurring expenditures to Service Providers and Payroll remittances in excess of $75,000 shall require two signatures from any of the persons with signing authority; Property taxes and Utilities can be signed by any two signing officers.

As a result of the realities of inflation, the cost of living has significantly increased over the last year. These realities mean that the cost of operating DSB programs have increased, allowing staff the authority to make the required decisions and manage their budgets.


The recommended changes will support staff by allowing them the authority required to manage their budget costs.

Staff are requesting that the Finance Committee recommend to the Board approval and implementation of the changes in the Financial Limitations – Issue Report with an effective date of November 1, 2022.